Managed to hide my 3 robots this afternoon for The Mystery Project. All hidden under benches on local footpaths - one is on the Pennine Way - I wonder if it will be picked up by a Pennine Wayer and get taken all the way to Kirk Yetholm in someone's backpack? I felt a bit like a spy when we were hiding them and trying to look like we weren't doing anything when cars drove past - great fun! Wonder how long they will stay in their hiding spots?
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
The Mystery Project
These little stitched robots have been made in response to The Art House Coops Mystery Project. Artists receive a Prismacolour pen and a "theme" to respond to. They then have to install their artwork somewhere for a stranger to find! My theme was "Help! The robots are taking over the local elementary school!" I decided to make some robots and sketched them using my yellow Prismacolour pen, then copy these robot sketches onto fabric and embroider them. I then gave them funky feet and will be installing ( hiding) them somewhere tomorrow, haven't decided where yet so if anyone has any good ideas let me know! I then have to tweet photos of the robots in their chosen places! Look out for the tweet and if you happen to come across one of these little robots please take him home and look after him - and let me know he's been found and is safe!
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Fabric fish
These fish are taken from a black pen sketch which I have printed onto fabric then machine embroidered and stuffed!
Only 1 week now till Bradford Open Studios - I've got official brochures and posters and balloons! Studio has been reorganised and tidied so I just need some nice weather and lots of lovely visitors.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Bradford Open Studios
Marketing day today - printed some flyers this morning for the Open Studios and began leaving some in shops - very exciting! Also took the last three embroideries to the framers - hope to be able to pick them all up next Saturday and have a bumper hanging day!
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Bradford Open for Art
It's a busy time in the studio - I am getting ready to take part in the Open Studios as part of Bradford Open for Art which is being held over the Bank holiday weekend 2nd to the 5th of June. Am eagerly awaiting some pieces of work being returned from the framers and have had some greetings cards printed from my embroideries.
Have been having a sort out in the studio in preparation for the Open Studios and have pulled out a few of my sketchbook pages to sit alongside the embroideries so visitors can see the initial sketches and thoughts and then the final piece. I always love looking at people's sketchbooks so hope that this will add something to any visitors I might get on the Open Studios weekend. I am getting very excited - only 2 weeks to go - hope to have lots of visitors so book the dates down in your diaries!!
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Derwent Inktense sticks
Derwent Inktense sticks are my new plaything and I love them! They are really smooth to use and give a really crisp intense colour and are fab for using as a base for my embroideries. This is a picture of Lorraine, one of our older sheep. She is one of our favourites and always comes over for an ear scratch and a sneaky carrot. I have done a few different drawings of her - this is the first I have got round to embroidering. Hopefully I can get the others worked up soon as I would like one of these to be my entry for Another Spot on the Wall at The Station in Richmond which I have been accepted for - hugely excited!!