Friday, 26 October 2012

An Embroiderers Ledger



An apology to begin with - I haven't updated my blog in a little while but I hope that some of the photos above will show you how busy I've been. I wanted to post these photos together to show you what I've been up to. Four weeks ago I started an online course with the exceedingly talented Karen Ruane - please have a look at her blog as it is inspirational, amazing, fabulous ... The course was called An Embroiderers Ledger and ran over four weeks with two postings each week from Karen with videos, PDF and bucket loads of ideas and information. I have had an amazing time and have a beautiful sketchbook now filled with lots of ideas for me to take forward and work up into embroidered pieces later on. It has been lovely to reacquaint myself with hand stitching - I have concentrated on my machine embroidery for so long that I had forgotten how much I love hand stitching and how much I have missed it. I will blog the last couple of pages as soon as I get them finished and promise to get back to my weekly postings!!



  1. it's great to see all this work together....shows the time and effort you have put in. Lovely ledger....

  2. Kristy thanks for your sweet comment on my work so nice that you have visited my blog, I have admired your work in our class flickr group, your work on the ledger pages are so beautifully made.

  3. Your work has me drooling! I hope to get more done in my ledger soon. I find I have to listen to Karen's videos several times to catch everything she does. She makes it look so easy!
